

Don't hesitate to contact us if you experience any issues with the apps, or have found any errors.

We appreciate all feedback! 

Not seeing all Fact Cards after subscribing to 787 Guide Pro?

There should be at least 230 Fact Cards (as of May 2021) available in the app and more published weekly. However, some subscribers have reported seeing only a handful of cards after signing up to 787 Guide Pro.

We've been trying to fix this bug with an update, but apparently it still sometimes occur. The immediate fix is to simply delete the app and re-install it. After this all cards should sync properly with no further issue.

Is it possible to transfer a purchase between Android and iOS?

Transferring an app purchased on Android to iOS, or vice versa, is unfortunately not possible. For example, if you made your initial purchase on an Android device and then want to use 787 Guide on an iOS device, you will need to purchase it again through the iOS App Store. 

Apple's App Store and Google’s Play sell their apps separately and do not coordinate sales with each other. Unfortunately, it is not possible to download a previously purchased app, including 787 Guide, to a device that uses a different online marketplace.

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